Guidelines to DBMNT Name Variants

Each name collected in DBMNT Names can occur in multiple variants, which are defined as graphically or orthographically distinct forms of name. For the reasons stated here, unlike in TM People, I am not distinguishing variants of names that are found in Greek, Coptic, and Old Nubian texts from the Middle Nile Valley on the basis of the language of the text. The only valid criterion in DBMNT is, instead, a marked difference in the name’s notation, be it an abbreviation or a non-standard orthography.

The variants are classified according to their type and genealogy. Please note that while both categories use the same set of values as the fields ‘Type’ and ‘Genealogy’ in the DBMNT Names table, the values for a variant will not necessarily be the same as for the name it represents.

A further distinction pertains to the form of notation, whether the name is written in scriptio plena, as an abbreviation, or as a monogram. If the second option is the case, the type of abbreviation is identified (shifted letter, suspension, contraction, cryptogram). Finally, all orthographic irregularities are described in a summary fashion.

There are currently 2,576 variants in DBMNT Name Variants, including 122 ghost variants, attested for 1,738 names, including 113 ghost names. DBMNT Name Variant numbers are compatible with TM NamVar numbers. For the time being, only those variants that existed in TM People prior to creating DBMNT Name Variants are linked; the remaining ones will be integrated at a later stage.

From the starting site of DBMNT Name Variants you can either go directly to a particular record (by entering its DBMNT number in the field ‘Name variant no.’), launch a search, or simply browse the list of all records. Clicking on the item on the list will display the detailed card of the object beneath the list.

Description of the fields

  • Name variant
  • Name
  • Variant type – see here
  • Variant genealogy – see here
  • Notation
  • Abbreviation
  • Orthographic irregularities

Names and name variants the reading of which is uncertain are marked with an encircled question mark sign () to the right. Likewise, ghost variants and ghost names are marked with the icon of a ghost () to the right.

If the variant occurs in a special graphic form (e.g. a monogram), its exemplary photo or drawing can be found in the ‘Illustration’ tab.

The tab ‘References & Texts’ connects the name variant with the respective elements of the remaining tables.

DBMNT Name Variants search

The following search fields are accessible:
  • DBMNT NamVar no.
  • Name variant
  • Ghost variant
  • DBMNT Name no.
  • Name
  • Variant type (list)
  • Variant genealogy (list)
  • Notation (list)
  • Abbreviation (list)
  • Orthographic irregularities (list)
  • Ghost variant
  • DBMNT Person no.
  • Person name
  • DBMNT Text no.
  • Provenance (list)
  • Kingdom/region (list)
  • Date
  • Type (list)
  • Language (list)
  • Linguistic context (list)